India…in hindsight

Reading No Worry Chicken Curry was not necessarily a book that I expected to enjoy. I appreciate how stupid that might sound considering it documents the trials and tribulations of my family’s adventure in India.

 However, I expected it’d just be a repetition of events I knew very well and descriptions of locations I could instantly picture. I expected stories to be exaggerated beyond recognition and people to be twisted into fictional characters that resembled something more like the plot and cast of Alice in Wonderland. But this wasn’t the case at all. Instead, I found myself being taken back to a place and time that contained fond memories and entertaining anecdotes. I was more conscious not that my dad had exaggerated the characters and stories but that no one would believe they were true!

To my surprise, it included events that I had either forgotten or worse, didn’t know the full stories to. It made me laugh in places and at times, I put the book down and remembered the tale that I was following. It was a plot that I could relate to so I can’t imagine what it’d be like for someone who was unable to relate to the India or its culture. It would appear too farfetched and unlikely that parents would leave England to make their kids endure what we did in India.

Normally in these blog I reflect on sections of the book that I want to contribute my interpretations of. However, there has been a recent flourish of interest in No Worry Chicken Curry so I thought I’d write a little sales pitch.

If you want to see what I’m talking about….read the book!

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One Response to “India…in hindsight”

  1. you can check here about vindaloo food

    India…in hindsight – No Worry, Chicken Curry!

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